@article{oai:nitech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001549, author = {大貫, 徹}, journal = {New Directions}, month = {Mar}, note = {When Hyoju saw the fox (called Gon) enter his kitchen in the final scene of the story, he shot a gun suddenly. Why did he fire abruptly? Because Hyoju mistook the fox for a thief. But he didn't need to fire, he bad only to shoot it away. Objecting to Mr.Tando' s opinion (Japanese Literaature no.590), in this paper I will explain why Hyoju shot the fox so suddenly. Mr.Tando argues that Gon is entirely mistaken in believing that Hyoju's situation is very similar to his. And he remarks that this misunderstanding causes Hyoju to fire a gun at Gon. But it is not Gon's mistake but a one-way relationship between them that brings about a tragic scene. Gon gives a lot of gifts to Hyoju for making compensation for his mischief. But Hyoju isn't interested at all in what Gon is doing. There is a great difference between their concerns, which brings about a one-sided relationship. In this relationship Hyoju's behavior is beyond Gon's understanding. This is why Hyoju's shooting looks too unexpected for Gon., application/pdf}, pages = {13--24}, title = {「ごん狐」論-他者論的な観点から}, volume = {26}, year = {2008}, yomi = {オオヌキ, トオル} }