@article{oai:nitech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005379, author = {池俣, 吉人 and 佐野, 明人 and 藤本, 英雄}, issue = {2}, journal = {日本ロボット学会誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {A passive walker can walk down shallow slope. This gait, which results from the interaction between the nonlinear dynamic system and the environment, is really a physical phenomenon in itself. Though the passive walking is energy efficient and has natural gait like human being, it is fragile. It is extremely difficult for a walker with knees to walk for several steps and achieve high success rate in the real world. The passive walker is a sort of hybrid system and can exhibit a stable limit cycle. Therefore, a global stability around the fixed point is essential for achieving robust walking. We focus on the stability mechanism of fixed point. In this paper, first, a global stabilization principle is mathematically established. Based on this principle, a simple mechanism making the inter-leg angle at heel-strike constant was adopted in the developed walker. Finally, the improvement of robustness is confirmed by a dynamical walking experiment., application/pdf}, pages = {178--183}, title = {平衡点の大域的安定化原理に基づくロバストな受動歩行}, volume = {26}, year = {2008}, yomi = {サノ, アキヒト and フジモト, ヒデオ} }